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Disabled American Veterans (DAV)

Disabled American Veterans (DAV)   Viewed

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About this Resource

Disabled American Veterans (DAV) is committed to ensuring that the men and women who stood up for America have the tools, resources, and opportunities they need to competitively enter the job market and secure meaningful employment. Through a partnership with Veteran Recruiting, DAV will sponsor virtual career fairs to connect all veterans with employers nationwide who are committed to hiring them. The DAV also offers a list of career fairs that support its mission to hire 10,000 Veterans by 2018.

In 2015, DAV helped attain more than $4 billion in new and retroactive benefits to care for veterans, their families, and survivors. With almost 1,300 chapters and 1.3 million members across the country, DAV empowers our nation’s heroes and their families by helping to provide the resources they need and ensuring our nation keep the promises made to them.

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